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Voice Search and LimoLabs: The newest BFFs of Your Digital Marketing Strategy

By Limo SEO Agent | 5 years ago

These days, you’ve surely heard/read/seen the news that voice search all the rage on the tech scene. Unless you’ve been living under the rock, you’ve definitely heard of why voice search is important for online visibility or how it helps a business succeed. Have you? Good. And while you may be under the impression that such claims like “the age of Voice Search is upon us” are a tad too dramatic or possibly a bit over the top – a) they aren’t b) they got your attention, didn’t they? And that’s what counts!

Still not too hooked on the importance of Voice Search Engine Optimisation Nearby?

Here’s an idea: Let’s bet that by the end of this blog post you’ll be just as excited about voice search optimization as LimoLabs team is (if not more)! You may even love it so much that you’ll invite CAPS LOCK into the equation! What’s the drill? Well, all you have to do is read this blog cover to cover.


Voice Search - The newest BFFs of Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Voice SEO Company Near Me Helps You Win The Local Game!

As the number of internet voice searches increases, the amount of local searches also seems to jump along with it. According to the latest industry professionals, 325 million people are prone to using voice search on a daily basis.

Take that into consideration! A good chunk of those searches could lead all travelers on the prowl for fabulous local transportation options directly to your page! But only if your Google Maps and Google My Business presentation is on point… And guess who can help you update your local info for optimal results? You’ve guessed it – the LimoLabs SEO team, obviously!


Make Your Transportation Company Locally Visible!

As established in the previous paragraph, voice optimization is a great asset for local business treasures that want to get noticed! It’s estimated that by 2020, 50% of all internet searches will be done without typing. The smart thing to do is arrange your internet marketing strategy around that fact as soon as you can, and consult the nearest SEO professional about it, just to be on the safe side.

But that’s all future talk, what’s going on right now?

Well, whopping 39% of voice inquires are done in hopes of finding out more about a business that one’s interested in, so put that to good use!


  • Put all customer relevant info on online-display! The more people know about your offers, promotions, sales, and deals – the better
  • Your phone number – front and center, email and other means of contact – close by
  • Info about your location and directions there super-easy to find

All these factors combined will make internet users (read: potential clients) trust your brand because all the info they need to book your limo, charter, non-emergency medical transportation or taxi services is right there. No muss – no fuss.


Trust Is and Always Will Be the Key

Trust Is and Always Will Be the Key - Voice Search

Transparency will go a long way, but that’s only a half of the story. You want returning clients, loyal customers that know your company and recommend your services too.

In this algorithm-is-master-of-everything day and age, reviews are an unavoidable part of your internet marketing strategy. When people do find you, remind them to rate & leave a comment about your performance on the interwebs. That practice will prove to be beneficial in multiple ways.

Firstly, an ever-growing quantity of reviews will appeal to the machines that make the rules behind the scenes. It’ll help you reach and stay on top of search results and hype your companies image.

Secondly, good reviews are always a delicious read. There’s no second guessing that. But bad ones are also a potential source of useful constructive criticism. They’ll help you examine your approach to things and improve every step of the way.


Get It While It’s Hot

Voice search is your friend! No, better yet – your BFF. Jump on this train while it’s an option! Don’t wait for the time when it will be the norm (and trust us, it will).

Being the savvy businessmen that you are, ask the best digital marketing specialist near you about this quirk before it becomes common practice. It’ll propel you to the tops of google pages, and it’ll make you irresistible (and unavoidable) to search engines and customers alike.

Currently, the voice side of marketing is so fresh, that most of the big players don’t grasp the magnitude of its influence. If you want a head start –  services of the closest SEO agency will come in handy.

Businesses who want to succeed should incorporate voice technology into their digital marketing strategies right now. Or better yet, get a team of professionals who will do that expertly on their behalf. That’s an option too.


Customer Experience like No Other!

Customer Experience - Voice Search

Clients are not a patient bunch, all of us know that. And if they expect a seamless experience and instant gratification, brands better find a way to get them what they want, right away. Voice optimization combined with great customer service is the combination that even the most difficult of customers and most demanding internet trends won’t be able to resist.


So, are you ready to say it with me?

1, 2, 3

THE AGE OF VOICE IS UPON US! (in bold and CapsLock, as promised)

If you go the LimoLabs way, you can have it all: fabulous web-design and web-development, top-notch SEO and digital marketing and client care. The whole package.

The number is (888) 978-3449. Are you ready to be heard?

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